Emeshel opens in Miami’s Design District

Designer, Emeshel next to one of her Crystal Pieces
Emeshel, originally published by MiamiToday.


Renown Artist and Designer, Emeshel next to one of her Crystal Pieces – Design District, Miami


Gallery owner, Sandy-Mare, with Emeshel

Gallery owner, Sandy-Mare, with Emeshel – Design District, Miami


Janel, Michelle, Rachel help brighten the room at the Emeshel Grand Opening

Janel, Michelle, Rachel help brighten the room at the Emeshel Grand Opening – Design District, Miami


David, Enrique, Pepe and John at the Emeshel Grand Opening

David, Enrique, Pepe and John at the Emeshel Grand Opening – Design District, Miami


Juana & Marissa looking sharp for the event

Juana & Marissa looking sharp for the event – Design District, Miami


Eric helps provide security

Eric helps provide security – Design District, Miami


Visitors mix it up as Grey Goose and Hors d’oeuvrs were served

Visitors mix it up as Grey Goose and Hors d’oeuvrs were served – Design District, Miami


Monique & Marilyn at the Emeshel Grand Opening

Monique & Marilyn at the Emeshel Grand Opening – Design District, Miami


Barbara, Heather and Wendy enjoy a break together

Barbara, Heather and Wendy enjoy a break together – Design District, Miami


As we depart, Kelsey shares a moment with us before she joins her friends at the Emeshel Gallery Grand Opening

As we depart, Kelsey shares a moment with us before she joins her friends at the Emeshel Gallery Grand Opening – Design District, Miami


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